Sunday 26 May 2013

Dog Training Tips to Make Guests Feel Welcome

                          Every dog has their own personality. Some are bold and others are shy. A dog's shyness can manifest in different ways. They can nervously prance around with their tail nearly between their legs or sit in the corner and quiver. They might even urinate or hide out under the bed. However, if your dog displays his unease use this simple dog training tip to bring him out of his shell.
                           Keep a jar of your dog's favorite treats near the door. Whenever guests arrive have them take a goody from the jar and offer it to your dog. He might be too shy to accept the food at first. Have your guests keep the treat nearby. Once the commotion of your guest's arrival has settled down have them continue to coax your pet into taking the treat. With the use of this dog training tip, your dog will soon begin to associate guests with a pleasurable experience.
                           I had a terrier mixed breed when I was young and she was the very definition of hyperactivity! Whenever guests, delivery men, or repairmen would come to the door she would jump up and down springing off the storm door. She would get so wound up that she would jump as high as a man's chest! Some dogs show their exuberance by jumping, others by nonstop barking or running around like a maniac. Some dogs, like my terrier, do all three. Using this dog training tip will stop those embarrassing moments of chaos at the front door.
                           You will need the help of a friend for the first phase of this technique. Ask your friend to come over at a certain time. Create a calm atmosphere in your home for at least thirty minutes prior to your friend's arrival. The next step is to engage your dog's attention by drilling them on their obedience commands like "sit" and "stay". Begin doing this about five minutes before your friend arrives.
                           When your friend arrives have them knock on the door. Call to them to enter, but don't stop working with your dog. When your friend enters the house, don't even acknowledge them. Instruct your friend to completely ignore you and your dog as well. The first few times that you try this dog training tip your pet is bound to find is difficult if not impossible to concentrate. Repeating this dog training tip over and over will begin to tell your dog that it's no big deal when people come over.
                          Once your dog is comfortable with this phase take your training to the next level by allowing your dog to go to the door when your friend knocks. Before you open the door command your dog to sit and stay. Their close proximity to the action taking place might seem to set them back a bit in their training, but stick with it. Soon they will master this phase of the dog training tip and they will behave like a different dog when guests arrive.

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