Friday 14 June 2013

4 Dog Training Tips For the Aggressive Pet

It's important to begin training aggressive dogs early on. You don't want your pet to hurt another animal or a child, especially those in your own family. These four dog training tips help address the shy, aggressive dog - use them before you make the decision to have your pet put down.
1. Training Sessions
First, you'll need to build the dog's self-confidence and sense of security with regular training sessions. Every pet will have some apprehension either of other people out on walks, or excited kids running every which way, or perhaps other dogs coming up to them. Because of these stimuli, you need to set up a safe environment to help them overcome some of the tension. For instance, invite a friend to meet you someplace as you go out for a walk. Ask your friend to feed your pet a treat. These types of training sessions will build the animal's confidence.
2. Socialize
Often, the aggressive dog just isn't accustomed to the presence of other dogs. Because of that, they become aggressive. Of course, this personality trait just means more training is needed - you can teach them to enjoy other dogs. What you'll do is to keep your pet on a leash where there are other calm dogs. When your pet get seems to get angry, hold onto the leash tightly and yank a couple of times. Teach them they need to play civilly.
3. Stay Clear of Aggressive Adult Dogs
You don't want your pet around dogs that are older and aggressive. This simply must be adhered to - it's one of the top dog training tips you can't avoid. Just consider this in context of people - you don't like to hang around negative, aggressive people. Rather - you probably enjoy confident, successful and positive folks. You want your dog to do the same: hang around other dogs you want him or her to emulate.
4. Get a Muzzle
The final of the dog training tips is to buy a muzzle when training for socialization and teaching your animal to obey. You should train your dog to get used to it - put it on right before feeding, or perhaps before going out in the yard to play. That way it won't pose a problem when you try to muzzle your pet before training. When you are training, it's imperative that they don't attack either another animal or people. That's what the muzzle does - offers a preventative measure as your dog trains. Train safely.

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