Wednesday 10 July 2013

Keep Your Dog Focused With These Dog Training Tips

Why Should I use Obedience Tips?
There are many reasons to teach your dog to be obedient. Dogs that listen to their owners are safer, happier, and more fulfilled than dogs that don't. If your dog got loose and ran towards traffic, would he stop if you told him to? Use these dog training tips consistently and you will be able to answer yes to that
question. Obedient dogs spend more quality time with their human families than ill-mannered dogs do.
Rowdy, inattentive dogs are left home in the back yard when their owners want to have a peaceful walk in the park. Dog training tips like the ones given here will allow you to take your pet anywhere and know that he will be well behaved. Obedience training stimulates the mind of your dog. A properly stimulated dog will be more content during his down time. Perhaps the greatest benefit of these dog training tips is that they will create a deep bond between you and your dog.
Obedience Dog Training Tips and Techniques
Consistency is the greatest dog training tip that anyone will ever give you. Consistency in your training method and expectations will help to eliminate confusion between you and your dog. Don't try to progress too quickly. Dogs learn through repetition so give him plenty of time to catch on. Be sure that your pet has mastered one command before moving on to another. Try to remember that your dog is learning a foreign language and maybe even some foreign behaviors, so don't expect too much too soon.
Take a few minutes out of every training session to review commands that your dog has mastered in order to keep them fresh in his mind. If your dog is having a difficult time learning a new behavior and becomes frustrated or uninterested, run them through a quick drill of familiar commands. This can boost his confidence and get him back on track.
How Long Will I Have to Use These Training Tips?
You will want to use these dog training tips on a daily basis throughout your dog's lifetime. Create a daily routine of obedience training sessions. Keep these sessions short and to the point. Take cues from your dog and don't push them to remain engaged after they have clearly lost interest. Make it fun! A training session can be as simple as running through 5-10 commands or as involved as taking your dog to the local park and developing their concentration in a different environment. Use these dog training tips to improve the relationship between you and your four footed friend.

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