Sunday 30 June 2013

Aggressive Dog Training Tips, With Some Reasons Your Pet May Have Changed Temperament

Every pet is different, but many owners find that their meek and mild dogs suddenly express aggressive behavior. Dogs have good reasons for the sometimes sudden change. Here are the four most common causes, and some aggressive dog training tips.
  1. Is Your Pet Becoming a "Teen"?
  2. Maybe Your Pet Is Shy
  3. PTSD...Animals Get it, Too
  4. Is Your "Best Friend" Ill or Hurt?

Is Your Dog Becoming a "Teen"?
Like human children, canines go through developmental stages that produce hormonal changes, which may result in "passive-behavior dogs" becoming "aggressive-behavior dogs." It is a myth that getting your pet "fixed" will address this issue. Your canine's temperament will still be adjusting, especially at this time.
This is especially true for those who come from an aggressive family tree. Aggression will many times become manifest any time between 6-18 months of age. If your male puppy has not been neutered, his tendency will be strongest at this age to become aggressive--in particular against other males.
The first of the aggressive dog training tips is two-fold: expect this behavior at this age, and get your pet spayed or neutered to temper the degree to which he or she expresses this trait.
Maybe Your Pet Is Shy
Perhaps your little "Fido" is simply a bit shy, or needs to be acclimated to social settings. Owners who have more than one dog tend to believe this will provide enough socialization for their animal, but this is not the case. It is the unfamiliar dog that your sheltered pet will defend against, out of fear.

Every breed is going to display the ability or inability to adapt to new social setting differently. Your first puppy may be an angel, whereas your second is a little beast. Also, different breeds will want to socialize or play differently, which may lead to your pet's display of sudden-onset aggression.
The second aggressive dog training tip is to have him leashed and under controlled settings as you acclimate your pet to new situations. Try to make your pet feel safe, with reassuring words and even removing your dog if he or she becomes overwhelmed. Using positive reinforcement, train your pet with rewards for good behavior. The use of a clicker and treats for this training is a great idea.
PTSD...Animals Get it, Too
Maybe your dog was traumatized somehow. This can be as simple as being attacked or made to feel threatened in a public setting. If your dog has been attacked, especially as a puppy, the deep-seated threat may incite your pet to respond aggressively in similar situations.

The next of the aggressive dog training tips is: you may need to get a training muzzle for public settings until you can train your dog to be confident around other dogs. There are quite a few dog training resources available online, or seek the help of a dog behavior specialist. Initially, reassure your dog of your presence when in public, kept under a leash, rewarding good behavior as you give a command such as the simple "heel" command.
Another great way to overcome this is to schedule a "dog's day out" with other friends who have dogs. Introduce your dog to these other dogs, one at a time, while you socialize with your friend. As your dog acclimates to these other dogs, introduce more dogs to the meeting, one by one.
Is Your Dog Ill or Hurt?
Dog language is body language, so when your dog comes down with, say, arthritis, he may turn into an aggressive grump. You can't blame the poor guy. When a sick pooch is jumped on by a playful puppy, for instance, aggressive behavior may result.

Aggressive dog behavior may be your dog's indicator that he or she needs to see the vet. Don't ignore the aggressiveness, it will only get worse over time if left untreated. You'll want to either learn positive reinforcement techniques through online resources, or hire a professional dog behavior specialist/trainer if you can afford the higher cost. When "passive-behavior dogs" become "aggressive-behavior dogs," it's time to get aggressive dog training tips from a user-friendly, professional-grade handbook.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Dog Training Tips For Food Guarding

A dog with food-guarding tendencies is a dangerous dog. Dogs with a general aggression problem are more prone to demonstrating this condition, but it has been seen in dogs who are otherwise well-behaved family dogs. I will show you some dog training tips to deal with this issue.
Dog Training Tip #1
Look for the signs: faster eating when approached, a hard, direct stare right at you; a lifted lip, a snarl, a snap, and finally a bite. The dog'S posture will be rigid and stiff.
Dog Training Tip #2
You need to remind the dog that you are the food source. Dogs love to eat, and she has confused the fact that you dispense the food ( this is automatic alpha-dog status, and gives you immunity to any aggression or dominance).
Dog Training Tip #3
Prevention: Always make a point to approach your dog from puppy hood while she is eating.
Dog Training Tip #4
If you make a habit of asœleaving the dog alone while she is eating, she will be convinced that she is the alpha dog. Alpha-dogs are never disturbed while eating.
Dog Training Tip #5
Don't make the disturbances a negative experience. Start from the day your puppy is brought home. Put something tasty to her in her bowl while she is eating. She will soon associate this with a person approaching me while I am eating, means more treats!!
Dog Training Tip #6
If it is too late, and your dog is already exhibiting food-guarding behavior, start by taking the bowl away for about a week. Feed your dog by hand, one small handful at a time.
Dog Training Tip #7
Only allow her to take food from your hand when she is gentle. No snapping. Remind her to be nice is the only way to get her food.
Dog Training Tip #8
Once she is eating politely, reintroduce the bowl. Make sure it is empty. When you pass by, drop a small handful in. When that is gone, wait a minute before adding another small handful.
Dog Training Tip #9
Once she has mastered this, put down a half full bowl. Don't let her lunge at it. Hold the bowl out of reach and make her sit and wait before you allow her to eat.
If your dog back pedals, that is ok, just take a step or two back and keep practicing. Wait a couple of days before progressing to the next stage.

Friday 28 June 2013

Dog Training Tips - Tip 1, Their Name

                           Dog training can be one or two things. It can be an enjoyable experience for you and your dog or it can be a terrible experience for both of you. I have researched some basic dog training techniques that will be helpful for you as you train your dog.
                             First remember that on average a dogs life will likely last 10-15 years on average. Make sure you are willing to be committed to your dog for that amount of time. If your not ready for that kind of long term responsibility do yourself a favor and don't get a dog.
                             One of the first things your going to teach your dog is their name. Training your dog their name is easy but there are still a few pointers I would do to make this dog training tip quicker and easier.
                             Start off by using positive reinforcement with some treats. Get your dogs attention and when they are looking at you say their name and say "yes" and give them the treat immediately. Do this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.
                           After doing the first step for a day or two start saying your dogs name when they are not paying attention to you. As soon as your dog looks at you say "yes" and give her/him the treat. Do this at different times throughout the day. If your dog does not look at you when you say their name try putting them on a leash and gently pulling their head in your direction. When you have eye contact say "yes" and give them the treat.
                         By following these easy steps your dog should learn their name in no time. Just remember don't use their name when punishing them. Dog training is about patience. Your dog will react negatively to negative energy that you give off. Take your time and you will be much happier and so will your dog.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Useful Dog Training Tips

Clicker Training Your Dog
                                     Training your dog is not only a responsible and satisfying aspect of being a dog owner, but also a means of establishing a rapport based on mutual trust, respect, and love. It can also save your dog's life under unexpected circumstances.
                                      Typical dog training tips using verbal commands are great - depending on the breed with which you are working. Not all breeds respond well to verbal cues. Some, such as hounds, terriers, and toys, require an alternative method to traditional canine training. Clicker training is such a means for frustrated dog owners.
                                      Clicker training, using a small, hand-held clicker, elicits positive responses by reinforcing a specific action with a click and a subsequent, immediate reward. Indeed, dog owners have experienced such a high degree of success with clickers that more and more animal owners are using clickers with horses, cats, and other species!
                                       The two indispensable tools in this training are the clicker and a treat for drawing the desired result from your dog. Trainer suggestions for using the clicker method include:
1. If the dog does not respond appropriately, consider nonverbal cues that you may be giving your dog. Is your body language inconsistent or confusing? Does your dog understand that there is a connection between the click command and a desired action? Are there too many distracting elements that might throw off your dog's response?
Try a more isolated environment and be aware of your influence. Be consistent with body movement. Avoid verbal issuance (except with puppies). If necessary, repeat signals accompanied by physical reinforcement (gently but firmly).
Watch for indications of when your dog makes the connection between the click and the desired response and repeat, gradually diminishing use of physical actions until the correct response to the clicker is embedded in the dog's mind. Try different types of treats until you find the one that your dog most enjoys.
2. Initially refrain from using verbal commands, as this may cause confusion in the dog's mind. (With puppies, use a one-word command immediately preceding the click.) Reinforce with simple, consistent, firm (yet gentle) physical corrections, if needed, and the treat. Most breeds will respond better to this approach, and voice commands may be added at a later time after the dog has mastered clicker commands.
3. Be aware of how much training time is humanely possible for your dog! For a puppy, 3-5 minutes will suffice, followed by lots of loving. For an older dog, 5-10 minutes is an adequate amount. If your dog is responding well, limit your training to 15-20 cycles within a 3-5-minute session.
4. Do NOT reprimand your dog if he does not understand immediately! Make this an activity of love, trust, and reinforcement, which will carry your dog's desire to please you much further! Ensure that your dog is making the connection between the click sound and the required response.
If he is having problems or appears unmotivated, break the exercise down to its most basic units and slowly and patiently build up your dog's interest, motivation, and reward. Try changing the reward to see if it elicits a better response from your dog.
5. Punishment is harsh and unnecessary. Refrain from it, both verbally and physically. Correct your dog firmly and gently until he gets it right. Praise a puppy with delight and affection when it responds correctly. Let him make the association of doing what YOU want with love and reward! The time, effort, and bonding will always make it worthwhile for both of you!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Dog Training - Tips For Keeping Your Labrador Happy


 I think we have all seen the idiot that owns a dog blaming the dog for bad behaviors, when in fact it is the human who has no idea how to communicate with the animal and who has confused it with poor commands and inconsistent treatment. Dogs, especially breeds such as Labradors are genuinely interested in a loving, warm and caring relationship with their human owners and these animals will do everything to please - if the owner knows what they are doing. Indeed most dog training is not about the dog being trained to do tricks for the owner - rather it as about the human learning how to communicate with the animal in ways the dog can understand.
  Raising your voice or using violence when a dog does not do as you want simply highlights that the owner is ignorant and of low intelligence; does the owner really think the dog is deaf or will only respond to fear? In many instances the human owners should not be allowed to own a dog until they have grasped some of the basic and learned how communicate with the subtle, non-verbal cues that dogs will easily respond to when the owner knows what they are doing.
 Labradors are a gentle breed of animal whether they are kennel dogs or live inside with the family and with effective dog training tips readily available online and locally from dog clubs, the entire family will be able to enjoy a well-behaved animal and the dog also will be a genuinely happy and contented member of the family.
                                    Dogs can be playful, that is one of their characteristics that we enjoy about them so much. However only a mistreated dog will misbehave and show signs of aggression and only ignorant and cruel owners can bring these negative traits out in otherwise lovely animals.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

How to Stop Dogs Digging Instantly - 100% Effective Dog Training Tips That Work

Next to barking, digging is a typical behavior that most dogs will display. The problem with digging is that it can cause serious damage to your properties. If you house your dogs in your apartment, they may burrow through your belongings or furniture. This damages your valuable items and causes a huge mess in your home. The last place you want your dog to be digging is your beautiful garden.
                  What are the reasons why dogs dig? Well, the obvious is true: they love it. The second reason is because they are bored and they are trying to find excitement in these deep places. There are a few ways to figure out which category your dog falls into. Bring him out on long walks and get him to exercise. At the end of the day, if he is still digging through your stuff, it means that digging is a habit of his. Dogs that love to dig will continue to indulge in this activity even in your presence.

On the other hand, if your dog prefers playing with you to digging, it means that he needs more excitement and physical stimulation in his life. This is only true if you only bring him out on short and sporadic walks. What are the different ways to stop dog digging?

Use Natural Ingredients to Deter Digging
Consider sprinkling some pepper over the ground areas you want to protect. As the dog begins to dig, the pepper will irritate the eyes and nose. Your dog will then cease its digging. Always try to sprinkle a large amount at first, and then you can decrease the amount with time.

Build A Man-made Sand Box

Sure, you don't want your dog to burrow through your stuff, but you need to give him a little something to satisfy his love for digging! You can consider building a sand box for him. You can even replicate Mother Nature by adding earth and grass into the sand. Try to bury some of his favorite toys underneath the surface. Praise him when he uncovers the buried treasure. Soon, he will love his sandy playground.

Purchase Some Toys
Dogs engage in digging when they are bored. However, it is not possible for you to entertain him 24/7. To prevent him from getting bored, you should consider buying him some toys. When shopping for toys, be sure to find one that is made of durable rubber material. Dogs also have a love for bouncy balls. Showering him with toys will allow him to keep himself entertained in your absence. Rotate the use of the toys so that he doesn't get bored with any one toy.

Tire Him Out

If you need to be away for a few hours, you will need to wear your dog out before leaving him alone in your house. Take him out for a long walk and then engage him in an intensive obedience-training session. An exhausted dog will be too tired to think about digging. If you want your dog to stop digging, you must know how to stimulate his body and mind.
These are effective tips on how to stop dog digging. Punishing a dog when it begins to dig may prove to be counterproductive. 

Monday 24 June 2013

Socialization and Dog Training Collar

                      You may require the assist of a superb Dog Instruction Collar to educate misbehaving dogs. It's a worthy tool that may assist you to inside the tricky pursuit of animal education.
                       By the same token, an additional vital concern is dog socialization. Animals, which don't understand how to socialize, are afraid of new environments and frequently hostile to other human beings and pets.
                       If a dog is under stress, this is not a good development at all. Socialization is additional ideal for puppies especially during the 1st twelve weeks of their existence. Socialization might nevertheless be achievable even immediately after this time but it will take longer to become productive.
Socialization and Exposure
Exposure is various from socialization.
                       Socialization can be a far more complicated which calls for introducing your dog to individuals and issues when in the early stages of its life. It truly is meant to help your pet to adapt to modifications and every thing about it including humans more easily.
                       Dog training may possibly be considered an art, and just like any artist you ought to decide on your implements with care in coaching your dog. All dogs are distinct from each other, so it is important that determine the dog instruction collar suitable for the dog.
                      Your option need to be depending on its disposition and strength. You should evaluation the capabilities and rewards of training collars available in the industry. There are numerous of them so you have to understand how each and every collar can fit into your preferred education system.
                     Likewise, you need to the precise coaching tactics that you simply program to employ. In the event you train the dog utilizing long-established tactics, you might go for a Dog Training Collar that enables you to appropriate undesirable dog attitudes.
Unacceptable Tools and Tactics in Dog Training
                     Numerous folks now say that unacceptable instruction procedures for example making use of a shock collar can have a negative impact on the aspects of coaching and socialization. The problem with these gadgets will be the possibility of sowing fear and anxiety in your dog due to the negative effects brought about by this particular number of collars.

Guard Dog Training Tips

Guard dog training tips
Pets like guard dogs can be a great asset to any family. To train guard dogs, pet owners need to be extra conscious and need to put their efforts to make it effective. To train a guard dog, consider these tips and give your pet a smart behavior.
The first thing that your pet should learn is to bark at an intruder that is the first indication to owner that something unusual has happened. When you train your pet to bark and when he does it correctly offer him with delicious food as this will help them to understand they have done it correctly.
It is essential to make him understand that he needs to barks and come to you when something weird happen. Train him such a way that he will bark at intruders and unusual things. Also teach him to stop barking when instructed.
If you have owned a guard dog then you can start with guard training rules, but if you have normal dog then start with basic rules of training. It includes sit, stand up and run.
One can buy the training equipments to effectively provide them the training sessions.
Buy the below training equipment from Indian Pet Store, the trusted online pet suppliers.
1) Black Cotton Leash
2) Clicker
3) Dog collars
4) Training pads
5) Dog cages
The above equipment’s are essential to give the effective training to your dog and to make him a strong guard dog. If your pet has done a good job always let him know that so that he can remember this to perform better next time.
It is also necessary to teach them quiet order to stop him if he is barking continuously without reason. It is suggested to start giving guard dog training sessions when your pet is small to grasp it effectively.
The guard dog should have respect and love for their owners so that they can always there to protect their owner in any condition.
Buy the dog cages and dog collars to give effective training sessions to pets. Buy the training equipment’s from Indian Pet Shop as they offer great discounts as well as the free shipping facility.
Also provide the nutritious food to pet to keep their energy level while training sessions. Provide unconditional love for your pet and get the same in return. Do not yell at them while training them, they are animals and owners need to be patient while training their normal dog as a guard dog.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Basic Dog Training Tips

                  Training your dog should be a fun experience where both you and your pet benefit from working together. Unfortunately, too many owners get discouraged in the training process when they fail to make any noticeable progress. This tends to happen when the owner is unprepared from the beginning. In order to help prevent this mistake, here are some basic dog training tips to get you off to a successful start.
Be Patient
                  It takes time to establish communication channels with your pet. You have to start at the most basic level, assuming your dog knows nothing about what you are doing. This requires a great deal of patience at first, but it is imperative that you display a calm demeanor. Your dog can sense when you are frustrated or upset, and this could intimidate or scare them. Take things slow and know when to stop for the day. This will help insure that your sessions stay fun and productive.
Use Encouragement
                  Frustration can bring on negative reactions such as scolding or yelling. If you are not careful, then you might find yourself constantly reprimanding your dog throughout the training sessions. This will only confuse your pet and lead to a disinterest in learning. Constant positive reinforcement is the best strategy to creating a constructive learning environment. Make sure to reward your dog for effort, even if he dog doesn't get a command exactly right.
Repetition is Key
                 It is understandable to want to move on to the next lesson when your dog performs a command correctly. You are excited about your pet's progress and you want to keep things moving in the right direction. But the best strategy is to master one task before starting the next one. This is accomplished through repetition exercises, and it is by far the most important step in successful training. Start every new lesson by reviewing previous lessons. Build your dog's confidence by letting him perform tasks he is familiar with before progressing with new material.
Maintain Structure
                 Getting your dog into the proper mindset for learning can help improve his retention rate. This can be accomplished by adding consistency and structure to your training sessions. If possible, work with your dog at the same time everyday and keep you're the sessions under one hour. Start and end each session with a review of tasks they are already familiar with, and try to work on only one new command each time. Familiarity with your training structure will help your dog feel more comfortable. They will know what to expect and they will understand what is expected of them.
                 There is much more to dog training than just the lessons you teach. There is a psychological element that must also be addressed if you want to save time and frustration. Use the basic dog training tips above to establish the parameters of your training. From there you can concentrate on teaching the actual tasks and commands.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Dog Training Tips

To ensure an excellent and wholesome man and dog relationship, dog training is a necessity, since it is by means of the method of teaching that a dog can be trained the personal habits it needs to possess, to move around in community. However, why must we train our pets and how can it be performed? Following are several free dog training tips that provide you with a solution.
Training dogs entails clicker, marker and reward training, leash and collar, constructive reinforcement, dog whispering, behavior training, and so on. Dogs are not just right; in fact, nobody is, and they continue doing particular activities that might not be suitable, specifically when they are accompanying human beings, their masters, at public places. Such behaviors involve nibbling, digging, leaping, dodging, gnawing at and too much barking. Hence, coaching dogs not to bite and not to bark is just as essential as anything else. Our dog training tips will come in handy in this regard.
Preliminary Phases of Training
The only objective of dog training is to infuse mannerisms into your pet. Here are the tips that should be abided by without being unsuccessful during the teaching periods for dogs:
At the preliminary level, do not over pressure the dog with many orders since they might become annoying and perplexing for their tiny minds. Always make sure to regard the actions of your pet and design your teaching consequently. Never give an order for the action that the dog can ward off.
As a part of our useful free dog training tips, you should admire the dog for his excellent conduct and performance and reward him instantly with the intention that he can relate the reward and the conduct. Opt for dog snacks as a good reward. This functions as an enhancer for the dog to adhere to your guidelines consistently. This exercise must be followed as it assists in creating a friendly association between the dog instructor and the pet.
Throughout the procedure of teaching, never ever think about punishing the dog. Always concentrate on admiring the transformations in the behavior of the pet.
Taking our dog training tips forward, impose a penalty on the dog for his bad behavior. Bear in mind that punishing and penalizing are two different factors altogether. Penalty indicates coercing the dog to perform the stuff that he hates such as an abrupt pull of the leash or neglecting him to make him recognize his fault. These free dog training tips will certainly assist you in teaching your pet the way you would like to.
A Final Thought
Hence, these are a number of vital dog training tips that will aid you in providing the primary teaching to your pet. Take a look at other sections for more helpful tips. A well-trained dog is a pet everybody loves to have around. By using several beneficial training resources available these days, training dogs has turned out to be simpler than ever before. However, the most essential aspect about teaching a dog is giving the pet your adequate time and dealing it with care and passion. That's our ultimate training advice to all dog owners.

Friday 21 June 2013

A Review of the best dog obedience training program

              When I first bought Secrets to Dog Training, I was not very sure if the program would help. After all, how much can a book and a couple of CD's on dog obedience teach me about canine behavior that I already know? But I was wrong. In this Secrets to Dog Training review, I want to share my experience with my dog after using this program.
              This program was first launched as Sit Stay Fetch. In 2009, they changed it to Secrets to Dog Training. This program has sold over 250,000 copies ever since it was launched and even today continues to be the highest selling puppy training program online. After having used it, I am not at all surprised that this program has been a bestseller for years.
              Secrets to dog training has been written by Daniel Stevens. Daniel is a well known trainer and is considered among some of the best trainers in the world today. Secrets to Dog training covers all different aspects of owning a dog very comprehensively.
What you get
              Secrets to Dog training gives you 261 information filled pages on everything about owning a pet canine. This book has a number of training secrets, dog obedience training tips, useful puppy potty teaching advice, dog potty training tips, puppy training techniques, ways to curb aggressive dog behavior, lessons on therapy dog training sessions, reviews of other puppy training methods and now, it also has a free downloadable training video. It has very useful chapters on puppy training, stopping excessive barking, dog grooming, crate training for your puppy, teaching your dog some dog tricks, potty training tips for dogs, tips on house training a puppy, insights from various other dog trainers and everything that they don't teach your dog even at dog obedience classes.
              If you are looking for some very effective training advice, I suggest you get this program right away. And yes, all the methods in this book have been personally used by the trainer and also by millions who have used this book over the years. This is the best among all training courses you might find online. Everyone who has used this will only tell you one thing - this training secrets program is indeed a miracle!
             Like they say, there are programs and there are good programs. Then there are some that are just too good to be true! Get this program for your pet puppy today and enjoy your beautiful relationship for life!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Dog Training Tips That Every Dog Owner Should Know

                    As a dog owner you have a responsibility to teach your dog to behave properly. A dog does not instinctively know right from wrong. You can use the tips that have been provided in this article to learn how to properly train your dog so that they are well behaved.
                    Learning to listen to your dog will make you a better trainer of him. Animals are not robots that can be programmed and your dog has a personality with preferences and quirks, just like you. Understanding the nuances of your dogs expressions will help you decipher more in training and therefore, expand your ability to teach him.
                    Only give commands you are prepared to follow through with, or the dog will learn that it is all right to ignore you. If you give the command to sit, the dog must sit immediately or you will enforce the command with a finger pushing down on the lower back. Never give a command and allow the dog to choose whether to obey you or not unless you want to let the dog be the one in charge.
                    Consider moving your voice up or down in a specific manner associated with individual commands, to help your dog remember them better. Dogs are fantastic at understanding pitch differences, even more than understanding the sounds of the words. So if you alter your voice slightly when you say a certain command, the dog will be more likely to remember what to do.
                     Dogs sometimes make mistakes because they can't do otherwise. It's your job to figure out why they can't. Consider an older dog, for example, that has been completely housebroken for years. If all of a sudden it starts relieving itself in the house something is wrong. The dog is likely sick and should be seen by a veterinarian.
                     A great tip for training your dog efficiently is to make sure you do not use conflicting command words towards your dog. For example, do not tell your dog to do something you do not want and then punish him for it. This will just confuse your dog and lead to failure.
                     Dogs can get bored easily. If you are training a young dog, keep your training sessions short as his attention span is short. To keep older dogs from getting bored, vary their training routines and change up his rewards and treats. If you notice your dog is bored during training, take a break and resume at a later time.
                     Many behavior problems can be solved by additional exercise. If your dog is acting out, he may not be getting enough exercise. Try to walk your dog at least three times a day. If your dog is a working breed, at least one of those walks should be a run. A tired dog is often a well-behaved dog.
                     When you are wanting to work on training you dog you should start of by making sure that he knows his name. At least 10 times a day use their name for things like playing, feeding and treats. Try not to use their name in a punishment so that way when something good happens they think of their name as a good thing, not bad.
                    Do not make the mistake of giving your dog too much freedom in your house too soon. It is a mistake to keep the doors open to all unoccupied rooms in your home when you have a new dog because it hands your dog the privacy and ability to chew things out of your view, or to have house training accidents. Be proactive about closing doors and using baby gates to stop a problem before it starts.
                    While consistent control is necessary with your dog, take the time to just relax and play often. You should always maintain structure during training, however, and play time will be more productive and exciting for your dog because of this. Before play begins, expect your dog to be in a calm and receptive mood, then enjoy your time together.
                    Having a well-behaved dog is a great joy that can only be achieved through proper training. The information that has been provided can be used as a guideline when training your dog. If you are persistent with the dog's training, you should notice a change in their behavior in a short amount of time.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

ANOTHER Dog Training Tips for Between the Sessions

1. Expect the unexpected.
We all know that our lovable dogs are just as unpredictable as we are. Sometimes the shock of a wonderful new behavior can catch you off guard and you're too busy trying to grab the camera to administer positive reinforcement. We've all been there. It's surprising how our four legged friends manage to surprise us every single day by exhibiting growth and curiosity. Attempt to suppress your delighted smile at least long enough to show your pal that you noticed their new quirk and highly approve.
2. The art of counter-conditioning. 
A dog that is frightened of visitors or other dogs may show progress at some times but may have an upsetting relapse the moment you're not there for reinforcement. Even common acquaintances, be them four-legged or human, can present a great opportunity for positive conditioning. If your dog can expect a treat or pat from mom or dad in even successful social situations they will start to make the association between outsiders and tasty rewards. Showing your familiarity and confidence toward strangers of your pet will build positive results. If a newcomer is armed with treats beforehand the chances of success is even higher. Pup is scared of thunderstorms? The first signs of rumbles may be a great time to start a game to release anxiety. There are plenty of times during the day that covert conditioning may be applied.
Just about any dog training tips you already have up your sleeve can be dispersed throughout the day. This way you have a cooperative friend who builds up positive associations without needing to be entirely focused. Routine training is great but that shouldn't be the only time positive reinforcement training is used. Our furry companions always appreciate our appreciation and us dog owners usually have plenty of that to go around.

Monday 17 June 2013

Dog Training Tips for Between the Sessions

                              Dog training doesn't have to happen only during a set time in the day. In fact, positive reinforcement training is all about acknowledging positive behaviors which hopefully are displayed around every corner. Many of our lovable companions have a habit of being sweethearts all day long but sometimes don't get much to show for it. These dog training tips will inspire progress even when you least expect it.
1. Seize every opportunity.
The biggest mistake that a dog owner can make is waiting for a mistake to be made before attempting to correct it. Instead of looking for mistakes a positive outlook is to catch those glorious moments when your pooch makes the right move. If you wait until your pup pulls out your best loafers to tempt him with a Kong toy then you may be sending the wrong signals. Instead, when you notice your pooch playing with the Kong instead of undesirable objects, slip a healthy treat into it like natural peanut butter. Soon your dog won't be limited to avoidance of unwanted desires and has the motivation to go with something even better.
2. Play the puppy lottery. 
Remember an unexpected treat tastes the best. If your pooch is used to performing neat tricks or exhibiting good behaviors for a reward you may be out of luck when you find yourself without a bag of treats. Scattering a bit of practice throughout the day and reinforcing good behaviors like "stay", "drop" or other similar tricks will keep your pup's skills sharp that may not warrant focus in dedicated training sessions. If a treat is not administered every single time they are successful then your pooch will understand that your pleasure is their reward and the treat is an added bonus. They'll look forward to progressing because they just might "win"!

Friday 14 June 2013

4 Dog Training Tips For the Aggressive Pet

It's important to begin training aggressive dogs early on. You don't want your pet to hurt another animal or a child, especially those in your own family. These four dog training tips help address the shy, aggressive dog - use them before you make the decision to have your pet put down.
1. Training Sessions
First, you'll need to build the dog's self-confidence and sense of security with regular training sessions. Every pet will have some apprehension either of other people out on walks, or excited kids running every which way, or perhaps other dogs coming up to them. Because of these stimuli, you need to set up a safe environment to help them overcome some of the tension. For instance, invite a friend to meet you someplace as you go out for a walk. Ask your friend to feed your pet a treat. These types of training sessions will build the animal's confidence.
2. Socialize
Often, the aggressive dog just isn't accustomed to the presence of other dogs. Because of that, they become aggressive. Of course, this personality trait just means more training is needed - you can teach them to enjoy other dogs. What you'll do is to keep your pet on a leash where there are other calm dogs. When your pet get seems to get angry, hold onto the leash tightly and yank a couple of times. Teach them they need to play civilly.
3. Stay Clear of Aggressive Adult Dogs
You don't want your pet around dogs that are older and aggressive. This simply must be adhered to - it's one of the top dog training tips you can't avoid. Just consider this in context of people - you don't like to hang around negative, aggressive people. Rather - you probably enjoy confident, successful and positive folks. You want your dog to do the same: hang around other dogs you want him or her to emulate.
4. Get a Muzzle
The final of the dog training tips is to buy a muzzle when training for socialization and teaching your animal to obey. You should train your dog to get used to it - put it on right before feeding, or perhaps before going out in the yard to play. That way it won't pose a problem when you try to muzzle your pet before training. When you are training, it's imperative that they don't attack either another animal or people. That's what the muzzle does - offers a preventative measure as your dog trains. Train safely.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Ultimate Dog Training Tips for All Dog Lovers

If you are a dog lover and just got a new pet at home, you must be interested in some great dog training tips. The very first step towards getting dog training tips is to know where to start. You must know the requirements of your dog and how you can fulfill it. Some people think that dogs are much smarter and learn everything themselves. In fact, this is not true as your dog learns only what you teach him and repeats the same to learn it. No matter how much intelligent your dog breed it, it is still an animal with basic animal instincts. So, you need to follow some good dog training tips in order to train your pet.
Basic dog training tips
If you have brought a new furry friend at home, you must know about different training types and some important steps to follow. Following these dog training tips will surely make the training session easy.
Crate Training: Crate is a home for your dog and you should make him feel like this only. Never use a crate for punishment and try to spend as much with him while he is in his crate. This will make him get used to it. Moreover, it will solve many other problems like anxiety, excessive barking and house breaking.
Obedience Training: Obedience is one of the most important things told by all dog training tips. Dog obedience training helps you gain command over your puppy and give them commands to follow. Be it a new pup or the old dog, this training is extremely useful for the owners to maintain an alpha leadership position in the house and act as a master.
Leash Training: One of the other important dog training tips is the use of leash training. This will help control him and bring into a calm state. Leash training controls the unnecessary excited behavior of your dog and help respond to your commands. If your dog pulls the leash, make him sit by pulling the leash and realize that pulling is associated with the command of stop walking.
Act as a leader: A dog tends to be the leader of the pack and dominate everyone else. Acting as an alpha leader of the home by the dog owner is among other important dog training tips. Always remember that dog training a difficult phase for you and not for your dog. So, you need to behave and position yourself as the alpha leader of the pack & control the situation. You should behave in such a way that your furry friend needs not worry about his protection.
Besides above mentioned dog training tips and techniques, an important factor that cannot be ignored is the consistency. If you will train your pup or dog only when you have time, it will confuse him and consequently he will stop following your commands. So, the best idea is to make a schedule and follow it until he does not learn it all. You might feel it difficult, but it will definitely pay back.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Dog and Puppy Obedience Training - More Dog Training Tips

                        Puppy obedience training and older dog obedience training use a lot of common sense, some understanding of dog pack behavior, and a few simple techniques. I begin with a reminder to you all - one of the puppy training tips that I have found to help immensely. Be sure you walk for a few minutes with your dog on a proper heel. Starting him off in the follower position with you in the lead makes it a lot easier on you, and it gets you both in the mode to respect you as the Pack Leader.
                        With that done, here is a simple way to make your dog familiar with the commands "sit" and "down." Tell the dog "Good sit" as he sits by you looking for affection, and "Good down" when he is lying at your feet after you have had a long day. If he does not seem to understand when you ask him to lie down, push his rear down and work his front paws down. (Obviously, he starts in the sit posture when you do this.)
                       Command an action from the dog with your hands (or simultaneously with hands and voice). It is easy for him to watch them, and using your hands for direction causes him to respect them. Also, take time to touch and handle all parts of your dog's body often to avoid fear at the vet or any time he needs to be checked over.
                       To teach your dog to stay, bring him to one spot and tell him to sit. Then say "Stay" and step back a little. Go forward three steps, then five, then ten.
                       Mix up the amount of steps so the dog cannot predict what you are going to do. If the dog can guess what you will do, he may cheat.
                       Sit, move forward two steps, and sit again. If the dog cheats or does not stay when you say to, you must take him back to the original spot and start over. If you do not fix the mistakes immediately, you are likely to have a dog that will cheat way too often and not listen to you at all.
                      Dog training is really not hard. It simply is a matter of nailing down a few key points. Here are some more dog training and puppy training tips:
                      Your dog will not be unhappy with you for telling him what to do. On the contrary, he will be angry and frustrated if you don't!
Always be consistent and follow through in the simplest of things. The little things go a long way. The little things are also remembered.
Do not take it out on your dog if you have had a bad day. It will not help, and it is not his fault. It is better to skip it if you are really ticked.
Always introduce a new command in stages -- one step at a time. Let each step be understood and assimilated before adding more. You want to lead and instruct your pet, not confuse and frustrate him.
If you are having difficulty implementing these dog obedience training steps with any modicum of success, then there may be other dog behavior issues - physical or psychological - that underlie the problem. Ask a dog behaviorist for help. Not just any dog trainer will do. You need someone who will help you understand if it is you, the dog, or both. I know better than to buy the popular myth that "a bad dog is the sign of a bad owner."

Tuesday 11 June 2013


  • Practice in your home and garden first, before trying commands in public areas
  • Start training with your new dog or puppy as soon as possible
  • Keep sessions short (15 minutes max.) and fun
  • Reward or treat him on a random basis, once the new command has been learnt
  • Try to use hand signals with verbal commands, as some dogs may find it easier to recognise these
  • Keep commands clear and consistent
  • Take your time and be patient
  • Stick to one new command per training session at first to avoid confusing your dog
  • Consider going to a good local training class – but if your dog is anxious or fearful around other dogs, a one-to-one training session with a trainer may be better
  • Try to finish on a high note - your dog is more likely to want to train again next time!
  • Always give your dog an enjoyable long-lasting chewy treat to relax with at the end of a session, or he may become frustrated when the rewards/treats stop!
  • Let your dog get bored - stop immediately if you see this happening
  • Tell him off if he gets it wrong
  • Shout or physically punish him - it will make him scared of you and may cause him to become aggressive
  • Train him if he is tired
  • Chase him when you want him to come - he'll think it is a great game and will run away even more
  • Try to train him in an area with lots of distractions, such as other dogs, people, noises, smells.
  • Expect too much too soon
  • Expect him to understand a command until you have taught him what it means

Monday 10 June 2013

Daily Coaching With a Dog Training Collar

                    Whenever you invest in a dog, it can be advisable to craft a program that's meant for dog education and understanding. It is possible to also pick tools that can allow you to like reliable dog coaching collar.
Dog Breeds and Training
                    It is actually simpler to start training from scratch. Don't forget these strategies also. Rescue dogs are remarkable but oftentimes, these animals currently have created undesirable habits and require additional education. Likewise, dogs that have spent a good deal of time confined in gases or even a pound may well find it tricky to bond with humans. Once again, this calls for far more intensive coaching. The pound and rescue dogs might have been victims of abuse or neglect. It is actually harder for them to trust humans. Mentioned dogs could also display disagreeable behaviour early on. You are able to use the dog training collars that will help you with this activity. In the event you lack the capabilities and encounter or usually do not possess sufficient time for, starting having a puppy may possibly be a extra logical alternative.
Instruction Choices
                    Yes, you could possibly possess the very best tool inside the globe nevertheless it continues to be vital to program your education cautiously. Try to allot 10-15 minutes on a daily basis for education. This is all it requires to train a dog. For those who do this any longer, your pet will grow worn-out and resentful. When you make it much less, the animal will not absorb the information and facts. That you are lucky to have Dog Training Collar obtainable at your disposal. Go to trusted pet equipment provide shops exactly where it is possible to select the very best brand and wide variety.
                   Identify who inside the family is going to become the lead trainer. Dogs are pack animals and take direction only from the pack leader. A pack can only have one leader. You'll need to find out who might be responsible for the dog coaching. Tend not to let anyone else to teach the dog anything new until it has mastered the commands. Give the dog a name to don't forget quickly but refrain from using it as a part of teaching them a new command. The problem with this really is that the dogs may possibly associate their names with that command rather. Use their name whenever you need to get their interest. Train them to appear at your face by saying their name and gently turning their face up toward yours. Once you are training it's important that they have all their focus on you.

Sunday 9 June 2013



    Changing behavior takes time. You need to have realistic expectations about changing your dog’s behavior as well as how long it will take to change behaviors that you don’t like. Often behaviors which are “normal” doggie behaviors will take the most time such as barking, digging and jumping. You also need to consider how long your dog has rehearsed the behavior. For example, if you didn’t mind that your dog jumped up on people to say hi for the last seven years and now you decide that you don’t want him to do that anymore, that behavior will take a much longer time to undo than if you had addressed it when he was a pup. Remember it’s never too late to change the behavior some will just take longer than others.

    Feed your dog a high-quality diet with appropriate amounts of protein. If your dog spends most of his days lounging in your condo, don’t feed him food with a protein level that is ideal for dogs who herd sheep all day. The money that you will spend on feeding an appropriate quality food will often be money that you save in vet bills later on. I recommend you always check with your veterinarian for the right diet for your dog.

    If your dog exhibits a behavior you don’t like, there is a strong likelihood that it’s something that has been reinforced before. A great example is when your dog brings you a toy and barks to entice you to throw it. You throw the toy. Your dog has just learned that barking gets you to do what he wants. You say “no,” and he barks even more. Heaven forbid you give in and throw the toy now! Why? Because you will have taught him persistence pays off. Before you know it you’ll have a dog that barks and barks every time he wants something. The solution? Ignore his barking or ask him to do something for you (like “sit”) before you throw his toy.

    The idea of using treats to train is often equated with bribery. Truthfully, dogs do what works. If using treats gets them to do what you want, then why not? You can also use the world around you as a reinforcement. Every interaction you have with your dog is a learning opportunity, so when you think about it, you probably don’t use food very often except during active training sessions. So why does your dog continue to hang out? Because you reinforce him with praise, touch, games and walks. Just remember, the behavior should produce the treat; the treat should not produce the behavior.

    Let your new dog gradually earn freedom throughout your home. A common error that many pet parents make is giving their new dog too much freedom too soon. This can easily lead to accidents relating to housetraining and destructive chewing. So, close off doors to unoccupied rooms and use baby gates to section off parts of the house, if necessary. One of the best ways to minimize incidents is to keep your dog tethered to you in the house and by using a crate or doggie safe area when you can’t actively supervise him.