Tuesday 6 August 2013

Dog Training Dark Side

               Dog training is moving away from the traditional competition based training where we expect perfect heels, etc to pet dog training where the owner is shown how to get the dog to walk without pulling on the lead, to come when called no matter what it's doing, and be well socialized with other dogs and people. Some dog owners find it better when dog training is at home because it allows them to train their dogs at the time and pace they need. The main aspect of the power of positive dog training is to see your pet as a creature that needs love and a good environment. The power of positive dog training is obvious in the rewards the animal receives when it performs a certain task.

               Training with praise is another way to train a dog. Training sessions should be kept relatively short to avoid boredom. Training sessions are motivational, full of praise and rewards and they are also free from any threat of violence or harsh punishment. I do not recommend shock collars, prong collars or hurting instruments. Dog training is going to take time, but you can greatly reduce the number of hours it takes. Having the most effective dog training system is obviously the most important aspect. However, which dog training resource is the most effective? I learned this the hard way, by spend many useless hours with my dogs. You can now benefit from my mistakes.

                 After a surfing the internet and coming up with a plethora or dog training ideas, I failed miserably. It was like to much information was available and the stuff I was reading was not working. I soon became hardened to advertisements that promised this or that for your dog. My dog needed basic dog training tips to stop dog barking and other undesirable behaviors. I believe at least a basic level of dog training should be given for every dog or puppy.What turned this dog owner of four, over to the dark side and dislike all dog training guides? For starters I was spending to much money on useless or inadequate information. 99.9% of our problems can be solved with the right knowledge. 

                  The problem today is there is to much information to sort through. What works, what doesn't and what are others saying? Don't spend another dime on dog training guides. Did I find something to help fix my four dogs? You won't believe what one training manual told me to do! If you want to find out more on what I found out about online dog training guides visit my site. But please don't spend more time or money on dog training by jumping from dog site to dog site.

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